About Me

I am currently a phd student studying educational technology in the Patton College at Ohio University. My research interests include technology access in rural and developing areas.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Fantasy Football on Yahoo as a DGBL
1.     Game title and platform
Fantasy Football on the Yahoo platform
I have been playing fantasy football on the yahoo platform using their classic game mode with 15 other people.

2.     Playability (Depict your experience during gameplay)
In terms of playability, the game is very simple and leagues can be set up in various formats.  These include:
·       Keeper Leagues
·       Dynasty leagues
·       Auction Draft leagues
·       IDP Leagues
·       A combination of the above
Personally, I believe IDP leagues where individual defensive players must be drafted is the more difficult format to play. Currently, I am playing in an IDP league with 15 other players. Because I missed our draft this year and the system auto-drafted for me,  I am scrambling to catch up in terms of productive players for my team. My team go totally killed this season.

3.     Potential promoted learning outcome by subject area
This game is a great tool and system for teaching research, statistics and sports. In terms of teaching research, it is good way of teaching both quantitative and qualitative skills. For statistics, it is a great way of understanding different numbers and what they mean. In terms of teaching about sports, it is a great way of learning and understanding the business of sports, especially from an American business and cultural perspective.

4.     Compatibility for classroom use
Fantasy Football can easily be incorporated into a classroom which has internet access. Because, the platforms are nominally commercial off the shelf platforms, instructors do not need to create or design the databases from the ground up. The only thing needed is the creation of an open or closed league and the format the league will play in.

5.     Alignment with curriculum or standards
This COTS by itself will not meet any curriculum or standard requirement. However, if adapted and included as a real-life tool, it can help an instructor easily bring real live stats and analysis to their classroom without much effort.

6.      Connections made to the assigned readings

This game is a good example of a COTS being cheap and accessible enough for instructors to use. Also, because of the design, the instructor does not have to necessarily think too hard about game design and how to build it. Finally, it does a good job of letting everybody regardless of income or technical ability participate in class. You do not need to purchase any special software or console.

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